Frequently Asked Questions

Video Production Process

How long does it typically take to produce a professional video?

The majority of projects require a window of 4-8 weeks to go from a signed contract to a final delivered product. However, every project is unique and there are a number of variables to consider, such as overall complexity of the project, number of videos, length of the video(s), or even the weather.To get a more accurate turnaround estimate for your specific project, the best bet would be to reach out directly to us to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

How is my project managed? How will I see the progress?

Beginning in 2023, every client we work with is onboarded into their very own secured project portal. You’ll have lifetime access to this portal, allowing you to view and approve project-related files such as contracts, invoices, shoot schedules and draft videos.

Within the project workspace, you’ll also be able to collaborate with your project manager and provide necessary input throughout each stage of production.

What does the video Production Process Involve?

1.) Brand discovery

We’ll identify your goals, target audience, budget, timelines, and desires for the project.

2.) Strategy

Through discovery and research, we’ll create a strategy to make your brand stand out among your industry competitors - capturing the right message, delivered through the best channels.

3.) Creative execution

We’ll assemble our talented team of video creators to execute the plan and create an engaging film that tells your brand’s story.

4.) Delivery and distribute

Once you’re happy with the video asset(s), we’ll deliver the final versions along with strategic recommendations for distribution online.

As a video production client, what is expected from me throughout the process?

Creative services are collaborative by nature. While we’re here to support you as experts in video production, there will always be a level of client input needed to ensure the final product fits your needs.

We do our best to make this process as streamlined as possible. Here is some typical input you could expect based at each stage of the process:

Pre-production (Brand discovery and strategy):

  • Approve project concept (storyline, visual approach, message, and location).

  • Assist us with scheduling.


  • We encourage clients to be present at the shoot. This way, any input can be given in real time.


  • Provide feedback relating to revision requests

Services And Deliverables

What makes AnchorViewMedia different from other video production companies in Halifax?

In Atlantic Canada, we're surrounded by incredible companies doing remarkable work, and we believe healthy competition drives us all to excel. At our core, we're passionate filmmakers and cinematographers committed to serving a diverse clientele without compromising on quality. We bring a fresh, modern twist to traditional corporate videography, while also embracing wild, artistic projects. Our craft is storytelling, and our expertise lies in creating visually compelling narratives that make your brand unforgettable. We're here to help you stand out and deliver your message with impact and drive results.

We produce a wide range of video content for brands, businesses and organizations in halifax, including:

  • Corporate videos

  • Brand videos

  • Testimonial videos

  • Commercial videos

  • Promo videos

  • TV and social ads

  • Educational and training videos

  • Documentary videos

  • Branded documentary

  • Music videos

  • Hybrid music performances

  • Live music performances

  • Interview videos

  • Event videos

How do you deliver the final video files to the client?

We generate a unique download link for our clients to download their videos to any device. This link will be made available in the project portal and can be password protected should the client wish.

Do you offer revisions to the final product if we are not satisfied?

Of course! We want to make sure you’re pleased with the product. For most projects we offer Two opportunities per video to request revisions.

Booking And Quotes

How much does video production cost in Halifax?

Full-service corporate video production projects typically fall between the $5,000 - $20,000 range.

Video production is a bespoke service. Each project we produce for our clients requires a different level of attention, meaning that rates can vary.

Examples of variables that impact the cost of video production are:

  • The complexity of the project

  • Crew size

  • Gear rentals

  • Number of filming days

  • Time spent on pre-production, production, and post-production

  • Need for animation, closed caption, and/or voice-over

  • Travel

What exactly is the process of hiring AnchorViewMedia?

The first step is to fill out our intake form. From there, a member of our team will connect with you to schedule a discovery session. If things look good on both ends, we will send you a proposal with a project contract which can be signed online. You’ll then be sent a link to your own project project portal.

What is a discovery call?

A discovery call is a chance for us to meet a potential client. We’ll introduce you to the services and products we offer and give you a chance to share your pain points, goals and budget.

What is the typical payment schedule for video production?

For projects with budgets under $100k a 50% deposit is required before any work begins. Projects with budgets larger than $100k may be paid in increments based on milestones with a 25% deposit up front.

I have an idea for a video, but it’s different from the work on your website. Should I bother asking for a quote?

For sure! Just because you don’t see a video type listed on our website doesn’t mean we can’t make it happen. We’ve got a pretty extensive portfolio of work and a wide range of capabilities, talent and equipment, so it doesn’t hurt to ask!

Equipment, Quality And Experience

What types of cameras and equipment do you use?

Overall production quality is just as important to us as content quality is. For every project, we work with the latest in modern, high-end professional film gear.

We have access to lots of equipment and always hand select our camera, lens, light and audio packages as they fit best for that particular project.

How do you ensure quality and consistency in your videos?

We take pride in our work and don’t produce video content that we wouldn’t also be happy to share. The careful preparation in pre-production; planning out the shots, storyboard and presentation helps us ensure the end product is the best we can deliver.

How big is the typical corporate video production crew?

Film crew sizes can vary based on the project's needs. At times, a small crew of two to three people is all that's needed. Other times, a project may require a dozen crew members to execute very specific production roles.

However, the majority of corporate video production projects require a crew size of 3 to 5 people, including:

  • Director/Producer

  • Cinematographer

  • Grip/Production Assistant

  • Audio Engineer

  • Editor

Do video production companies work with ad agencies and marketing agencies?

Yes! We often receive requests from ad agencies and marketing agencies looking to bring their creative ideas to life by partnering with a trusted video production company in Halifax.

What is your experience in producing videos for specific industries?

We’re generalists in video production and don’t limit our services to specific industries. Rather, we work with organizations who we feel are a good fit for our services and can benefit from our style of video storytelling…

Do you offer video production for government agencies?

Yes! We’ve done lots of video production work for government agencies - from Municipal to Provincial to Federal.